
Showing posts with the label Ultra-clean air system operating room

Connaître les systèmes de ventilation à flux laminaire pour salle d'opération

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les systèmes de ventilation à flux laminaire pour salle d'opération Dans les installations médicales de pointe d'aujourd'hui, il est primordial de garantir un environnement stérile et sûr dans la salle d'opération. Un élément essentiel du maintien d'un environnement aseptique est l'utilisation d'un système de ventilation à flux laminaire . Ce système est devenu un standard dans les salles d'opération modernes, et la compréhension de ses principales caractéristiques et avantages est essentielle pour les professionnels de la santé. Dans ce blog, nous allons approfondir les détails d'un système de ventilation à flux laminaire pour la salle d'opération, couvrant sa définition, son fonctionnement, ses avantages, sa maintenance et ses défis. Qu'est-ce qu'un système de ventilation à flux laminaire ? Un système de ventilation à flux laminaire est un type spécialisé de système de circulation d'air utilisé dans...

Why is it essential to have a ventilation system inside the operating room?

Even the smallest details matter in operating rooms and crucial medical areas. Proper ultra-clean ventilation systems , for example, are essential to the success of medical treatments and the avoidance of post-operative complications. According to international healthcare design standards, air must be refreshed at a high number of cycles per hour to reduce the risk of infection. Integrating a system that allows accurate control of air movement, for example, improves the removal of pollutants from the operating room. According to several studies, nearly 6% of patients contract a hospital infection. The most common cause of intra-operative infections is a non-functioning or faulty ventilation system in operating rooms, which is one of the primary means of spreading infection. Securing the operating space and making sure the sterility of equipment is extremely crucial for patient care and the surgical staff's work. Read this article to the end to understand ultra-clean ventilation sys...

Why Is Ultra-Clean Ventilation System So Important Today?

Humans require access to clean air to survive. We would always be outside in a perfect world, inhaling fresh air. Unfortunately, there are only a few people who experience this. We spend a lot of time indoors because of our work and the weather where we live, which necessitates installing an effective ventilation system. What are the advantages of effective ventilation systems, then? What Is Ventilation? It's critical first to clarify what "ventilation" entails. Ventilation is the technique of purposely supplying 'clean' (often outdoor) air to an area while removing stale air. Air conditioning (including fan coils), air curtains, air recirculation, and air infiltration are just a few of the different ventilation methods used.   Commercial and industrial buildings need ventilation to control indoor air quality via dilution and displacement of indoor contaminants. Temperature, humidity, and airflow can all be controlled via ventilation. Why Is Ult...